I have Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in psychology as well as other post-graduate training in clinical psychology. My professional life the last 25 years has been working with people as a therapist, coach, teacher and bodyworker.
From this experience, and my personal work of deepening and expansion over four decades comes the aliveness and genuine contact I bring to my work with clients. When you feel listened to in a real way, and feel authentically heard and understood, a healing process begins that is spontaneous and easeful.
I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 85352). I offer psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families. I have been lucky enough to have mature life experience of breadth and depth, and this informs my work, with an open heart and deep mindfulness. How may I support and encourage you?
"Glenn, I am so grateful to have you in my life - I can't thank you enough..........."
When life’s challenges make you say “Enough already,” or even “Too much”…call (415) 448-6008 or: